The concept of Redeeming The Time brings a new perspective to your daily life. It fills you with purpose, power, and peace in today’s hectic world. Everything in your life takes on a new agenda. And you learn how to redeem your life, your relationships, and your time.
I’ve learned that your past isn’t your past if it’s still affecting you now. As long as you live in your regrets, you’ll never have a future. Although we cannot erase yesterday, we can learn from it.
Is your life filled with regrets? Does your heart ache when you think of missed opportunities? If you could change something about today, would you?
If you are completely honest with yourself, you will probably join me in admitting that you wish you could start this day all over. “If I had only…Why did I…Why didn’t I…?” You know that feeling that gnaws at your heart and wearies your soul. You replay all those lost moments when you could have taken a different or perhaps a better way. The best word to describe this is regrets. And we live in a society filled with regrets.
Do you desire to buy back all the wasted—seemingly ruined—opportunities in your past? In this website and in all our resources, I share the redeeming the time principles that God revealed to me. One step at a time I learned to let go of yesterday and claim God’s grace and promises for today. And that’s what redeeming the time is all about—buying back the past and focusing on the future!
~ Edwina Patterson
How is Redeeming the Time changing lives?
PJ from Florida – “Learning to redeem the time was such a different concept for me. It was almost like going against the grain of life and all I’d been taught. But as I studied and read, it made sense to me. And as I stepped out in faith and applied one principle at a time, my life changed. I feel the Lord laying it on my heart to do this study at my church next year because I see such a need for women in this area. Thank you for your servants heart and your sweet spirit who goes before the Lord and encourages other women. You are a blessing!”
S from OK – “How I praise God that finally someone sees life from a divine perspective. The truths I’ve learned from your books and CDs have helped me broaden and cement my relationship with the Lord. I am learning so much about myself and how I study as well as I haven’t taken the time I need to develop a real relationship with God. I can’t go back and change what I have done but can change how I am going forward.”
P from CA – “I drug my feet and really hesitated to attend your Redeeming the Time conference. But my friend insisted that I go with her. So off we went, neither of knowing what to expect. And ‘wow’ what a life-changing day we had. God opened my eyes and mind and helped me understand truths I’d heard all my life but didn’t know what they meant. I’ve applied what I learned at the conference and in your books for 12 weeks now and not only am I changed person, but my children are beginning to change! What I thought was going to be a waste of time became a precious blessing!”
G from AZ – “Edwina, Thank you so much! Today you brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for allowing me to share some today. I am loving this so much. I have shared it with the lady at my church and plan to make it into something we can do for our Monday night women’s group! I am so hooked on everything b/c you really speak His word! There is no you putting His word to fit what you think…Your conferences and books are so true to His word and I love it! You are such a blessing and inspiration and I think you so much for guiding me in this journey!”
L from PN – “After spending time processing and applying the principles of Redeeming the Time, I have a deeper understanding of how to fulfill the Great Commission. I absolutely loved the last two chapters of the study. They truly helped the class I teach to grasp God’s idea, purpose, and plan for sharing the Gospel. Thank you for helping us grow spiritually! We are forever changed!”
MJ from Al – “The Lord has blessed me so much as I (as you say) wrap my mind around the concept of redeeming the time. I no longer live with a backpack full of regrets, guilt , and disappointments. Those chains have been lifted and I’ve been set free. My new buzz phrase is ‘I’m buying back the past…focusing on the future!’ It’s been an exciting adventure so far. Can’t wait to see what God is up to tomorrow!”
J from TX – “Because of the Redeeming the Time principles and study, I joyously wake up each morning with excitement to learn what God would have me learn and know about Him! It is a sweet, precious time. Thank you!”