EVELYN CHRISTENSON – Author of What Happens When Women Pray
“Following Edwina Patterson’s advice in Redeeming the Time – Where Do I Begin? will guarantee your being prepared not to be ashamed at Jesus’ return to earth. It is an awesome road map for developing your personal spiritual maturity in a practical, easy-to-follow, hands-on approach. I heartily recommend it to anyone struggling to grow with Jesus.”
”I do appreciate your ministry so much. I can see the influence that you have had on my wife and I appreciate it. She reads the Bible fervently, learns verses, and on and on. She is becoming more godly all the time and I attribute that to God mostly, and to godly influences like you. Thanks.” –Y. from Texas
”I just finished Redeeming the Time–Where Do I Begin? and I’m half-way through Children Who Glorify God! I felt like I was on the phone to you, you spoke so clear and to the point! (I like that!) Your ministry is very needed wand very timely.” –M. from Arkansas
”I went to the conference Children Who Glorify God in early April. What I learned there has forever changed the way in which I view my children and has given me a clear focus on my job as Mom. The Conference showed me the answers are in God’s word. I saw changes in my life and the way I looked at my life on that very first evening. I began to see fruit of these changes within a two-week frame. Three months after I attended the conference I can say I see a beautiful change in my daughters’ hearts and we have just hit the tip of the iceberg.” –L. from Texas
”Praise God for you and your ministry. I attended the Redeeming the Time conference this past weekend and it was a truly life changing experience. Your segment on hidden sin set me free from guilt that has been haunting me for 14 years! I now have a peace and joy that I have never had before. Thank you!” –S. from Texas
STEVE SHAVER – Founder, Crosscamp Ministries
“This generation of teenagers is crying out for the truth. In the book, In a Nutshell, Edwina Patterson touches each issue these kids deal with, and communicates the simple truth. And her source is the Scripture! A great encouragement for youth.”
”I’ve been thanking God for you daily since the conference two weeks ago. I know I had a divine appointment to attend that conference. My life has been different ever since. The Redeeming the Time Conference has even improved my productivity with home schooling my kids. It’s amazing what you can do once your day is set on course by God–the Creator of Time. I also enjoyed listening to the CDs, Children Who Glorify God. They are wonderfully inspiring and full of ideas.” –H. from Texas
JOHN MACARTHUR – Pastor/Author
“That I Might Not Be Ashamed is a biblically sound and powerfully practical manual for Christian wives who want to honor the Lord through the marriage relationship. Edwina Patterson is deeply committed to the scriptural pattern for marriage, and her love for Christ is evident on every page.”
”Your retreat was so inspiring to all of us. It was truly God-sent and prefaced with prayer. My friends covenanted to pray for each other and our spouses and families. One spouse even commented later that he could tell we had been praying. Since the retreat, his wife had been getting up early to have her quiet time and pray, which is something she hadn’t done in years. Isn’t it exciting!” –J. from Delaware
ZIG ZIGLAR – Best Selling Author and Motivational Speaker “Gotta’ Minute? is an inspiring, Scripturally sound, love-, faith-, and prayer-directed guide to a deeper, more rewarding life with Christ as the Eternal Tour Guide.”
”Enclosed is my check for 6 copies of Redeeming the Time–Where Do I Begin? I can’t begin to tell you how the Lord has already used you to minister to me in my walk with Him! I’m reading a section each morning in my quiet time. The Lord keeps bringing to mind sisters in Christ who would be blessed by your faithfulness to write as I’ convinced He has led. Since I started the book, I’ve been brought to tears as I ravenously devour the words on each page. Wow! It’s like you moved in with us, saw first-hand my struggles, frustrations, and needs, and perfectly, lovingly, honestly penned and instructions manual guiding me back to God’s ultimate Guidebook! Keep up His work. It’s timely and so needful for such a time as this.”–A.. from Texas
”Thank you for coming to Southwestern Seminary and for giving of your precious time and making yourself available to us. I have learned so much from you. Thank you for being a compass and helping me to realign where my priorities should be. Thank you for speaking simply. I have seen Jesus in you this week. I consider myself blessed to have crossed paths with you.” –L. from Southwestern Seminary, Texas
Heard you on the radio today and appreciate your comments, answers, and ministry. As a Christian, husband, father of two, and professional engineer, redeeming my time is a MAJOR issue for me. Thanks for the encouragement.” –D. from Pennsylvania
MIA CRONAN – Senior Editor, MainstreetMom.com
“What a blessing your articles have been to our readers. We start featuring the series, Redeeming the Time With My Husband, this week. I’m reading the book right now, and it’s really opening my eyes. I’m starting to look at my husband in another light… more similar to the one in which I saw him in the early years!”
TRISH RAGSDALE – Executive Producer, At Home Life, FamilyNet Television
“Thank you for being a guest on our show. You were an encouragement to our viewers and presented a beautiful picture of Christ. We look forward to having you on the show again soon.”
REGGIE SCOTT – Founder/Lead Vocalist, Rhythm
“You will find that In a Nutshell was written specifically for you. It’s honest, convicting, and yet loving. It doesn’t just examine how you find yourself in uncomfortable situations, but it explains how to get out of them according to God’s Word. I pray this devotional book blesses you as much as it did me.”
JOSH McDOWELL – Author and Motivational Speaker
“Edwina Patterson’s The Truth in a Nutshell tells the truth about sex, parents, popularity, and other topics facing today’s teens – Awesome!”
”I can’t tell you how much your workshop changed me. For the first time in 38 years, I feel I’m a whole person and happy as a wife and Mom of three. With God’s help I am going to succeed at this wonderful joy.” –B. from Illinois.
”You were truly a blessing to me this past weekend. The love you have for the Father is evident in your life. You spoke to so many hearts, including mine. I realize that God wanted each of us to hear those words. I shared with my husband the things God reminded me of and taught me. I was also able to share several thoughts with my Sunday School class. I told them about your tea bag illustration. I don’t think I will view tea the same way again.” –D from Texas
”Much credit goes to you, the one that He used to teach me so much. Sleep tonight knowing that at least one life has been changed because of your love for Him, and that is me.” –R. from Russia
”Thank you, Edwina, for your godly counsel on the radio today. I was one of the callers that you spoke to and I needed to be reminded of a lot of the truths that you told me and other callers. The most important was to get on my knees before the Father and surrender my day to Him. Thank you for being faithful to what God has called you to do. You have been an incredible encouragement and a breath of fresh air.” –I. from Montana
”How excited I am over your book, Children Who Glorify God. From the time I picked it up I could hardly put it down. I must say, we could not have received it at a more appropriate time. Thank you for your straightforward, no nonsense, honest approach to communicating your heart and the things God has taught you over the years as a parent and grandparent. But perhaps what thrills my heart the most is your obvious commitment to the Word of God. In a time where secular humanism, philosophy, traditions of me, and the basic principles and counsel of this world seem to dominate our thinking on raising children, it is a breath of fresh air to read such practical and theologically sound advice to rearing our children.” –Pastor S. from Tennessee
”Your ministry is an answer to prayer. I am a working mother of a toddler and keeping track of all my responsibilities is a daily struggle. You are such an encouragement.”–S. from Illinois
”Thank you so much for your ministry! I’m a mother of a 2 ½ year old, married, and in the last year of my PH.D. program. I have really been feeling overwhelmed for a long time. You have been God’s agent today by bringing this message of priorities to me. I will be spending more time on my knees now!” –K. from Illinois
DEE BRESTIN – Author of Friendships of Women
“Edwina is an excellent Bible teacher and the many references in Scriptures to the ‘Good Shepherd and His sheep’ will come alive for you.”
”I just finished listening to the Redeeming the Time conference CDs. I just had to let you know how important your teachings became for me. I felt a need for instruction or guidance. You did that. Now I spend each morning in my prayer closet, giving time to appreciation, praise, regrets, and asking for guidance and help in being a witness…I feel closer to God now than I have ever felt in my life. May God bless and enrich your life as you have mine.” –L. from Missouri
DR. JOHN AVANT – Pastor/Author
“Edwina Patterson takes a fresh and insightful look at biblical marriage. She writes out of both the brokenness of her family experiences growing up, and the foundation of her own successful marriage. That I Might not Be Ashamed draws a picture of the forgotten joy and wonder that marriage is meant to be – with God at the center. I highly recommend it.”
”I want to express to you how thankful I am for the Redeeming the Time Bible study. I am learning the significant impact of what it means to be in the Word on a daily basis. I joyously wake up with excitement to learn what God would have me learn and know about Him. Thank you!” –M. from NY
”I just finished hearing you on the radio and was thrilled by what I heard, especially about our families coming first after God. Today’s culture pulls us the opposite way and parents need the encouragement and mentoring that you provide. I can’t wait to contact other women from my church and let them know about your ministry and resources.”” –B. from Michigan
”I can’t express enough how much I love the Bible study, Redeeming the Time–Where Do I Begin? This is the first time that through a Bible study, I am getting heart knowledge. I am slowly feeling a heart change. Thank you so much!” –J. from California
JANE JARRELL – Author Teachable Moments
“Praise praying from the Psalms for Children is a powerful tool for planting the Word of God in your child’s heart. I heartily recommend it to those who touch the life of a child.”
”This past April my life was totally changed. I went to a Children Who Glorify God conference expecting to be given a list of how to raise a child that would glorify God. Instead I was told I had to change my life first. I was taught the importance of having a close and personal relationship with Jesus Christ, spending time with Him daily, reading His Word, and just getting my life under control FIRST! I felt like I had already wasted too much time with my two year old. I immediately went home and put this into practice. What a difference my life is now! I am closer to the Lord than I have ever been. I am learning so much about the Lord through His Word. I have relinquished every area of my life to Him. He is now in control!” –B. from Arkansas
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